Marina Genovese Fasoli

"It is possible to open our hearts beyond our minds, beyond our history, beyond the pain."


Awakening to Love

The approach I offer is an integration of all that has unfolded over the years from my ongoing spiritual and psychological studies and my personal journey.

Marina Genovese Fasoli

I bring to daily life and to my work the essential tools to wake up our true potential by making direct contact with any feeling, emotion and bodily sensation that arises within us at any given moment.

As we begin to recognise that there is no flaw in the system and that suffering is the natural thread of human conditioning, we discover that tending directly to the pain, that separates us from the Truth of who we are, will dissolve the obstacles and will support our landing into more depth and authenticity.


Turning our gaze inwards and away from the busy-ness of our minds will guide us towards our heart’s deepest desire to be free from suffering. It is a journey of love and self remembering and, on the way, our ego and our inner critic will start to relax.  

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
— Rumi


ABout Marina


Since I can remember I have always questioned the deeper meaning of Life.

I was born and raised in Italy by my Italian father and British mother. I went to boarding school in the UK where I continue to live with my husband and our two sons.

I began my professional life in the fashion, music and finance industries without ever losing sight of my life’s focus to the deeper meaning of Reality and the Love of Truth.

The birth of each of my two sons, brought awareness to how personal and cultural conditioning were greatly impacting my life by limiting the joy and the spontaneity of being a young mother.

With my children as teachers and with curiosity as a guide, I woke up to the barriers in my heart and embarked on the mesmerising journey of discovering what was limiting the flow of joy, spontaneity, creativity, intimacy, aliveness and love. 

I have since continued to train in spiritual and therapeutic approaches that support the Truth beyond the familiar mind.

I pursue my own inquiry and ongoing training in spiritual and ego psychology to self-realisation with the Diamond Approach as taught in the Ridhwan School. The method of this path continues to deeply inspire and inform my own personal quest and the way I work  with people in 1-to-1 sessions (60 mins). I am currently in training to become a teacher of this path.



  • Jungian Psychotherapist, MA
  • Dream Work
  • Energy Healing
  • Hoffman Process
  • EFT
  • Object Relations Theory
  • Inner Critic
  • Family Constellations
  • Neural Plasticity
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.
— Hafiz


Skype: Marina Genovese Fasoli
Call: +44 7952 035 445